Saturday, August 21, 2010

Porkulus Dollars At Work

Good Grief...Will it never end?
Porkulus dollars at work: Eco-snitch trash cans by Michelle Malkin on Friday, August 20, 2010

Lots of buzz today about the microchip-implanted trash bins in Cleveland that will tell city collectors when residents haven’t recycled. The Cleveland Dealer reports today:

It would be a stretch to say that Big Brother will hang out in Clevelanders’ trash cans, but the city plans to sort through curbside trash to make sure residents are recycling — and fine them $100 if they don’t.

The move is part of a high-tech collection system the city will roll out next year with new trash and recycling carts embedded with radio frequency identification chips and bar codes.

The chips will allow city workers to monitor how often residents roll carts to the curb for collection. If a chip show a recyclable cart hasn’t been brought to the curb in weeks, a trash supervisor will sort through the trash for recyclables.

The city expanded a pilot program for the carts and will now use $2.5 million in local tax money to fund the expansion.

Guess what else?

You are helping pay for this eco-snitch program in other cities with federal stimulus money.

From the Coburn-McCain stimulus waste report released earlier this month, we learn that $500,000 of the porkulus went to Dayton, Ohio for nosy trash cans.

Yeah. It stinks. And taxpayers don’t need any high-falutin’ technology to detect it.


  1. Ugh, I hadn't heard about this one! Doesn't sound like this stimulus money helped hire too many more workers either. What a waste of money.

  2. How right you are, Ellen! Makes me sick. What an absolute waste. And, people are having to actually cash in their 401Ks and other retirement accounts, just to pay their bills. It is a sad state affairs.

    Here's to hoping and praying that the American people will soon see better days.

    BTW- are these posts showing up on your blog update page? My blog update page, or whatever it's called, is showing that my last post was 4 weeks ago...which it wasn't. Just trying to figure out if these are showing up for ALL of my many blog followers...all 6 of them. Ha!


"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."~Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

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