Wednesday, July 14, 2010


I received the novel, An Echo in the Bone, by Diana Gabaldon, from my children and husband for Mother's Day. This was the latest installment of the Outlander series...a collection of books that I have read over the past fifteen years, and in which I hold very near and dear to my heart.

I accidentally discovered Outlander, an absolute treasure of historical fiction, right before I moved from Phoenix, Arizona back to my roots in Ohio. On a quest to find something "good" to read, the librarian suggested I try a local author, Diana Gabaldon. Apparently her novels were doing very well at the time, and seemed to fit the bill for what I was looking for. Little did I know that upon completing Mrs. Gabaldon's first novel, Outlander, I would run back to the library to check out the next two books in the series. The only problem I had with reading her books, was that I had to wait several years for her to write each subsequent novel.

Ironically, as I got busy having babies, raising kids, and basically building a life of my own, I pretty much forgot about Outlander. I have had four children over the past thirteen years, and have been pregnant or nursing for nine and a half them. ('nough said.) Add to that undiagnosed Fibromyalgia and the notorious Fibro-fog that goes along with it, and I am lucky to have had even the briefest of episodes of clarity; when I would remember and manage to acquire and read the latest book. I have to admit that I honestly do not recall actually reading each book, but know that I did; and was able to absorb and enjoy the story from one novel to the next. And, of course, the love story of Claire and Jamie has continued to retain a special place in my heart.

So, in honor of weaning my fourth child, finally being able to see clearly again, and making it through some of life's infamous but life-growing hurdles, I committed to re-read the entire Outlander series before I began Diana's latest book, Echo in the Bone. And, I am happy to say, that over the past year, I have accomplished just that.

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"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."~Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
