Monday, November 8, 2010

America To Be Replaced By A "New World Order"

Tune into Glenn Beck all this week to learn about George Soros, aka "The Puppet Master," who is working behind the scenes to collapse the U.S. dollar, destroy America, and create a "New World Order." Set your DVRs for Fox News at 5:00 pm.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Prez's Vacation Costs Tax Payers Two Billion Dollars

Government Danger Zone? Report Says 34 Warships Will Join Obama in India

by Jonathon M. Seidl

An Indian news outlet has already claimed that the U.S. is spending $200 million per day for the president’s three-day trip to Mumbai, and the BBC detailed the country’s decision to strip its trees of coconuts so as to protect the president. Now, that same Indian TV station is claiming more details about additional safety measures: it says 34 U.S. warships will accompany the president and patrol the surrounding waters.

According to New Delhi TV, the ships, which include an air craft carrier, “will patrol the sea lanes off the Mumbai coast during his two-day stay there beginning Saturday.”

The ships aren’t the only measures being taken. NDTV lists what, and who, else will be making the trip:

Air Force and Marine One
Two jets, armed with advanced communication and security systems
Over 40 cars which will be part of the president’s convoy
13 heavy-lift aircraft with high-tech equipment,
Three helicopters
3,000 total people including Secret Service agents, U.S. government officials, and journalists
500 US security personnel
800 rooms have been booked for those people
An interception and obstruction device
Sniffer dogs
“Rescue gadgets”
“Communications set-up, nuclear button, a fleet of limousines and majority of the White House staff will be in India accompanying the President on this three-day visit that will cover Mumbai and Delhi,” NDTV explains.

But the measures have some scratching their heads, not just because of the cost, but because of the risk those measures reveal about the trip.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


One word: VOTE!!!!!!!!! (And pray for no voter fraud.)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Black Republicans Demand Obama 'Bus' Apology

Okay, I just want to know who is REALLY the racist here?

Black Republicans Demand Obama 'Bus' Apology
Wednesday, 27 Oct 2010 04:17 PM Article
By: David A. Patten

Black Republican leaders are demanding that President Barack Obama apologize for what they consider a racially insensitive remark that he made on the campaign trail this weekend.

During a campaign swing the president said, "We don't mind the Republicans joining us. They can come for a ride, but they gotta sit in back."

Dr. Timothy F. Johnson, the black Republican who heads the Frederick Douglass Foundation, told Newsmax in an e-mail Wednesday that Obama should immediately apologize for the offensive reference to the Jim Crow era.

"Once again the president is perpetuating the racism that exists, and [is] portrayed by the so-called Civil Rights organizations and their leaders," Johnson stated.

"Americans are sick and tired of these divisive statements the president continues to make," he added. "Our first objective is November 2, 2010.

"Next is to find the next president of the United States, and retire President Obama to Chicago, Hawaii, or Kenya in Nov. 2012," stated Johnson.

Johnson is not alone in finding the president's "sit in back" remark offensive.

Frances Rice, chairman of the National Black Republican Association, tells Newsmax: "As evidenced by his words and actions on numerous occasions, President Obama deliberately engages in the politics of race-baiting for partisan political gain, a tactic Democrats have used since the days of slavery. I believe Obama knew a racially-tinged image would result from his saying Republicans should be put in the back of his metaphorical car, and he would not even consider apologizing."

What if a Republican president had made such a remark? asked Fox News contributor Monica Crowley. She said it would have triggered an uproar from Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.

"I think after the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s, riding in the back certainly does have some Civil Rights and racial overtones to it, and you can't tell me the president of the United States wasn't aware of it when he said it," Crowley said Wednesday on Fox News. "I found his comment there appalling [and] I found his refusal to address it in a straightforward way also appalling."

The "sit in back" remark is part of a pattern of increasingly divisive rhetoric from the president in the run up to the midterm elections, Crowley said.

In one recent example, on Monday President Obama urged Latinos to "punish our enemies" during a Univision broadcast.

“If Latinos sit out the election," Obama said, "instead of saying, ‘We’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us,’ if they don’t see that kind of upsurge in voting in this election, then I think it’s gonna be harder . . . "

Crowley added: "This is nothing new. Ever since this man became president nearly two years ago now, he has constantly used this kind of incredibly divisive rhetoric. He seems to forget that he's no longer campaigning.

"He's the president of the United States. The president is supposed to be the president of all the people, even those who disagree with his agenda and who disagree with him," Crowley said.

White House press secretary Robert Gibbs did not shy away from the controversial "sit in back" statement when asked about it in a press briefing.

He portrayed it as part of the ongoing metaphor that the president has used to assert Republicans drove the economy into a ditch.

“The president said this weekend that the Republicans are going to ride in the back and the middle class will be in the passenger’s seat,” Gibbs said.

In a none-too-subtle jab he added: “We’re certainly concerned with backseat driving.”

© Newsmax. All rights reserved.

Morning Bell: The Obama War On Science | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

Our Middle School PTA was recently asked to help fund the sex education program that starts in 8th grade and goes through Senior year at the high school. Why? The government cut funding for the program. What does the program promote? ABSTINENCE. Go figure.

Morning Bell: The Obama War On Science | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

Friday, October 22, 2010

"That's Important to Me" by JOEY+RORY - OFFICIAL VIDEO


A few years ago, I stumbled upon this husband/wife Country Duo on "Can You Duet?" It was a Country Music competition on CMT, like "American Idol". (I believe Ryan Seacrest actually produced it...but don't hold me to that.) Anyway, as I watched the two of them, I thought to myself, "These people are honest to goodness real and loving people." Their actions and words spoke volumes to me. They didn't win the competition, but they won me over!

I am not a Traditional Country Music fan. Not at all. I am a Pop Country fan. That is all you'll find me listening to these days, unless my kids are making me listen to something else. Artists such as Carrie Underwood, Miranda Lambert, and even Gloriana top the list of my "favs" at this moment. But, Joey and Rory have a special place in my heart. Their music is pure, simple, and has a way of calming my nerves and easing away stress. I especially like to listen to it in the fall...I don't know why. Maybe it's the changing leaves falling to the ground ,or the crisp autumn air that makes me think of harvested fields, bales of hay, and the slow pace of farm life. I don't know. But, it soothes my soul and carries me off to another place far far away where schedules don't matter, and the only sense of time is told by the sun. Aahhhh....

This new song, "That's Important To Me" hits home, and says all too well how I feel about MY life. Well, all except the gardening part...unless you consider one tomato plant, one jalepeno plant, and a few flower pots on the porch and under the deck to be Gardening. And, let's just say Joey's version and my version of a home-cooked meal may differ a bit. Making dinner and eating around the table are important to me, but making bread from scratch ain't gonna happen! But, I do try to provide balanced and yummy tasting meals that are COOKED IN MY HOME. may not be good old-fashioned Home Cookin', but it's MY version of Home Cookin'. And, as long as my family is together and around the table, it doesn't really ME.

~ Danette

Williams firing, Soros donation spark new calls to end NPR taxpayer subsidies | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

I don't think taxpayers should have to support NPR. Do you?

Williams firing, Soros donation spark new calls to end NPR taxpayer subsidies | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Muslims speak out against NPR’s political correctness | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Muslims speak out against NPR’s political correctness | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Sunday, October 17, 2010

"If you believe the noises of this world, rather than the silence of your will feel very lost." - Neale Donald Walsch

Friday, October 15, 2010

Thought Of The Day

"Life may more than once call upon you to prove who you demonstrating an aspect of who you are not." - Neale Donald Walsch

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Thank God For The President

An 82-year old lady says that Obama is amazing and is Rebuilding The American Dream. What an interesting perspective...

That is right - I will say it, "THANK GOD FOR THE PRESIDENT."

1. He destroyed the Clinton Political Machine - Driving a stake thru
the heart of Hillary's Presidential aspirations - something that no
Republican was ever able to do. Remember when a Hillary Presidency
scared the daylights out of you!

2. He killed off the Kennedy Dynasty - No more Kennedys trolling
Washington looking for booze and women wanting rides home. American
women and Freedom are safer tonight!

3. He is destroying the Democratic Party before our eyes!

Dennis Moore had never lost a race - quit

Evan Bayh had never lost a race - quit

Byron Dorgan had never lost a race - quit

Harry Reid - soon to be GONE

These are just a handful of the Democrats whose political careers Obama
has destroyed! By the end of 2010, dozens more will be gone.

In December of 2008, the Democrats were on the rise. In the last two
election cycles, they had picked up 14 senate seats and 52 house
Seats. The press was touting the death of the Conservative Movement and
the Republican Party. In just one year, Obama put a stop to all
of this and will probably give the House, if not the Senate, back to
The Republicans.

4. He has completely exposed liberals and progressives for what they
Are. Every Generation seems to need to re-learn the lesson on why
They should never actually put liberals in charge. He is bringing
Home the lesson very well.

Liberals tax, borrow and spend - check

Liberals won't bring themselves to protect America - check

Liberals want to take over the economy - check

Liberals think they know what is best for everyone - check

Liberals aren't happy till they are running YOUR life - check

5. He has brought more Americans back to conservatism than anyone
Since Reagan. In one year, he has rejuvenated the Conservative
movement and brought out to the streets millions of Freedom Loving
Americans. Name me one other time in your life that you saw your
Friends and neighbors this interested in taking back America!

6. His amazing leadership has sparked the greatest period of sales of
Firearms and ammunition this country has seen. Law abiding citizens
have rallied and have provided a "stimulus" to the sporting goods
Field while other industries have failed faded or moved off-shore.

7. In all honesty, one year ago I was more afraid than I have been in
My life. Not of the economy, but of the direction our country was
Going. I thought Americans had forgotten what this country was all
About. My neighbors, friends and strangers proved to me that my lack
of confidence of the Greatness and Wisdom of the American people was
Flat wrong.

8. When the American People wake up, no smooth talking teleprompter
Reader can fool them!

Barack Obama woke up these Great Americans! Again, I want to say,
"Thank You Barack Obama!"

This is exactly the kind of hope and change we desperately needed!

Twenty States Get Greenlight to Proceed With Overturning Obamacare

By Ashby Jones

A federal judge in Pensacola, Fla., has ruled that 20 U.S. states can proceed with their lawsuit seeking to overturn President Barack Obama’s landmark healthcare reform law.

Click here for the 65-page opinion; here for all earlier LB coverage of the suit, which was filed the same day Obama signed the bill into law.

U.S. District Judge Roger Vinson had already indicated at a hearing last month that he would reject parts of a motion by the Justice Department to dismiss the lawsuit, led by Florida and 19 other states.

And today he did just that. Vinson actually dismissed several of the plaintiffs’ claims, but made two rather large rulings in their favor.

First, Vinson shot down the Justice Department’s argument that the individual mandate — the provision in the law that requires every American to own health insurance by 2014 — can be viewed as a tax. The government had made the argument for two reasons: 1) to argue that the individual mandate is constitutional under the Taxing and Spending Clause of the Constitution and 2) to argue that the Tax Anti-Injunction Act thereby applies.

Wrote Vinson:

To summarize the foregoing, it “clearly appears” from the statute itself . . . that Congress did not intend to impose a tax when it imposed the penalty. To hold otherwise would require me to look beyond the plain words of the statute. I would have to ignore that Congress: (i) specifically changed the term in previous incarnations of the statute from “tax” to “penalty;” (ii) used the term “tax” in describing the several other exactions provided for in the Act; (iii) specifically relied on and identified its Commerce Clause power and not its taxing power; (iv) eliminated traditional IRS enforcement methods for the failure to pay the “tax;” and (v) failed to identify in the legislation any revenue that would be raised from it, notwithstanding that at least seventeen other revenue-generating provisions were specifically so identified.

Second, and perhaps more importantly, Vinson declined to dismiss the plaintiffs’ claim that Congress, in passing the individual mandate, overstepped the authority granted to it by the Commerce Clause, which allows Congress the power to regulate interstate commerce.

Wrote Vinson:

At this stage in the litigation, this is not even a close call. . . This case law is instructive, but ultimately inconclusive because the Commerce Clause and Necessary and Proper Clause have never been applied in such a manner before. The power that the individual mandate seeks to harness is simply without prior precedent.

. . .

Vinson noted the difference between regulating an economic activity and attempting to regulate an economic non-activity. Most Commerce Clause cases deal with the former, not the latter.

[I]n this case we are dealing with something very different. The individual mandate applies across the board. People have no choice and there is no way to avoid it. Those who fall under the individual mandate either comply with it, or they are penalized. It is not based on an activity that they make the choice to undertake. Rather, it is based solely on citizenship and on being alive.

. . .

Of course, to say that something is “novel” and “unprecedented” does notnecessarily mean that it is “unconstitutional” and “improper.” There may be a first time for anything. But, at this stage of the case, the plaintiffs have most definitely stated a plausible claim with respect to this cause of action.

Vinson said the case would continue as scheduled. He had previously set a hearing for Dec. 16.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Thursday, October 7, 2010

You Can’t Tax the Rich Enough to Close the Deficit | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

I'm sorry. But, I can't help but feel this is all just Obama's (and his supporters) way of levelling the damn playing field. Yep, sooner or later, everyone will be "equal" and will just be slaves to the State. Work, sleep, work, sleep, work, sleep. That's Communism folks! No way to "better" your life, no way to "get ahead" for your family and your children's future! It will all be planned out for you, no need to think. The State will know and determine what is best for you, and will provide it. But, you will basically be a robot going through the motions of living, without actually living. There will be no freedom and no liberty to be who God created you to be. (Afterall, God doesn't exit in the Communist philosophy.} You will be stunted. There will be no government, "By the people, for the people." No. There will only be a government of a few elites who will rule over the masses. True communism is a joke...there is really no such thing. Because everyone CAN'T be equal! Who would keep the Communist system going? I'll tell you. The few "elites" in power. While most of the people will suffer, there will always be those in power with wealth and control. Is that really what Americans want? I don't think so.

Please, I beg you, get out and vote November 2nd! YOU are the difference! Without you, without YOUR voice, without YOU following the issues and candidates, the American system of government will fall to the wayside and fail. Then you WON'T have a voice, and the government will no longer be yours.

Remember, those in government work for YOU! Not the other way around. Wrap your brain around that, and you will see how upside down the current state of our government is! You are paying THEIR (the politicians) big fat salaries, for doing what? That is something you'll have to decide...and determine if they are truly working FOR you? Or, are you working for them? Are you just a means to their end...their wealth, control, and power?
Remember..."When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." ~Thomas Jefferson

You Can’t Tax the Rich Enough to Close the Deficit | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

RIGHTNETWORK | Voices | For God and Country (Music)

As a fan of Country music, I found this article interesting. Thought you might, too!

RIGHTNETWORK | Voices | For God and Country (Music)

Monday, September 27, 2010

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Moms and Dads will make history this November 2! Please read so YOU know what must be accomplished to take the first step in saving America! Our children's futures depend on it. Our generation will not get another chance. Tell everyone you know how important it is for them to vote this November 2! Spread the word! Your children and their children will thank you.

As A Mom...A Sisterhood of Mommy Patriots

"The Machine"
I'll make this as short as possible because I know everyone has tired eyes from reading so much. I just looked at a note here about not really wanting to vote because of the choices. We are new, all of us: AsAMoms, 9-12, Tea Party, etc. We have come a long way in a relatively short time. We knew we had a lot of work to do. We had to do it in the primaries and at the State conventions. Other than that, we don't have much choice. Except this:

First let's look at some of the basics of the big picture.

Morality: Christians, Jews and Muslims especially since the 60's have seen a degradation of our society. We have listened to the leaders say "Freedom of speech," have watched people cry on TV in order to get their immorality legalized, and then we have gone inside our houses, churches or temples, small communities and tried to hide our families from those aspects that opposed our belief systems. We haven't known or trusted each other, seeing more the things that separate us than the things we all share in common.
Education: So many have watched the loss of authority of the great teachers, the lack of quality education of so many teachers and the behaviors in the schools falling to new depths. People who can, pull their children out of the public schools and take their voice with them.
Media: They beat America down with their constant immorality and the guilt they made good people feel just for having opportunity and taking advantage of their freedoms. They have pointed out the corruption as the norm for those aspects of society they wanted to do away with. And they have lauded the very opposite of what many Americans believe.
Law and order: There has been a rapid degradation of the morale of the police and military (like has been for great educators and pastors) by the liberals, the ACLU, and the media pointing out a few bad examples and holding them up as the norm. The courts have nearly made it impossible for them to do their work. Helter-skelter was the cry of Charles Manson and his followers in the 60's including the Weathermen.

All of this was asked for by an Italian Socialist named Gramsci who deplored the fact that Communism could not take root in the West because of the individual responsibility, morality and simple caring proclaimed by the churches; the excellent free education systems and the Judeo-Christian work ethic. Alinsky gave the means and the methods, Cloward-Piven gave the strategies, the Weathermen/SDS and the Black Panthers gave them the platform and the people. As of late, Soros and others have funded them.

Numbers in elections are important. To gather as many people as possible, the Socialists picked on the fallibility of humans, making their human weaknesses appear acceptable instead of being something to overcome and conquer.
"The Big Tent" brought in more and more people who wanted to be counted as important and their actions as acceptable.
As the Liberals passed laws wanted, there was no place for them to go but further left. Many old time Democrats do not recognize their party today but have a difficult time voting for the people who were their "enemy" in the old days. Many of the GOP, wanting to keep their jobs, followed suit instead of telling us the truth and risk losing their jobs.

Looking to the future: We all know that the Speaker of the House and the leader of the Senate are from the majority party. They determine what bills get to the floor in each House of Congress.
But also we must understand that the selection of the Chair of each Committee in the branches of Congress depends on the numbers in the political parties dominating that committee. And that domination is determined on a percentage basis by the numbers of each party elected to Congress. These people develop the bills and the language in the bills (in theory) and what bill is put forward for consideration.
We know that for special instances, like impeachment and trial, a certain percentage of the House or Senate has to be on board. To override a Presidential veto, there has to be a certain percentage of the Senate to be on board. To approve a treaty, a certain percentage of Senators has to agree. Even the numbers of aides is dependent on the numbers of each party in Congress. Whoever has the majority, then all that is determined in Congress depends on only that party especially if there is what is called a "Super Majority." In that case, one party alone has the power to "write the bills" and forward them and then vote on them. We understand also that certain numbers are needed for cloture, a procedure used to end debate on a bill.

The Machine: My Jr year in high school, I had a government teacher tell me something that may have been the most important thing I have ever heard when I asked him the difference between Christianity and pure Communism. He said, "If you understand Christianity, you know that people are flawed. And their biggest flaw is that they want to be God: in whatever situation they can muster. Families, communities, churches, the country or the world. There is no such thing as "Pure Communism." Socialism, theoretically, is a step to Communism but those people who have attained elitism will never, ever, ever give up on their God-like powers, for themselves or their families in the future. It is like a kingship with feudal powers given to their friends and can be voted in by an unsuspecting citizenry with promises of happiness and prosperity for all." Therefore, there never will be "pure Communism" where all people are equal. Only in a Republic like America are all people equal through equal opportunity.

And so our first step is to stop the machine. Our second step is to make sure that those who get or retain power know their time is limited. We must, first and foremost, stop the machine and the power they wield.

We do know that they know we are here and they do know Americans do not approve. It is evident from the voter fraud they must utilize to get their puppets in. It is evident by the corruption of the Secretaries of States who certify the voter registrations. America does not want this. And so we must vote out the machine. We must work the polls. We must be election judges. We must educate the electorate. That is our only choice. It will take time and effort, each of us using our gifts as we can. But we will do it.

If you are not sure of the terms used here or of the people or groups mentioned here, please do a search on your favorite search engine or here on asamom to find what and who these people are and what they have proposed. Our future as a country depends not only on your vote but also depends on your comfort with the background so you can educate others.

Top 10 Failures of ObamaCare After Six Months - HUMAN EVENTS

Top 10 Failures of ObamaCare After Six Months - HUMAN EVENTS

Thursday, September 23, 2010

History Will Be Made On November 2! YOU Can Be A Part Of It!

We are living in historical times, friends. Absolutely historical. There is more energy and enthusiasm for the upcoming mid-term election than at any other time in history! Why? For many reasons. One such example follows. A friend sent it to me, and I hope you will send it on to as many people as you know.

For years I have heard, my vote doesn't matter. Well, even if that was the case in the past, it is not now! Your vote matters and can change the tide America finds herself being drowned in today. Please, if you have never voted in a mid-term election before, do so this November 2nd. And, motivate everyone you know to do the same.

History will be made right before our eyes.

Another Obama Nightmare

Did you know that if you sell your house after 2012 you will pay a 3.8% sales tax on it?

That's $3,800 on a $100,000 home etc.

When did this happen? It's in the healthcare bill. Just thought you should know.



Under the new health care bill - did you know that all real estate transactions will be subject to a 3.8% SalesTax? The bulk of these new taxes don't kick in until 2013 (presumably after Obama's re-election).

You can thank Nancy, Harry and Barack and your local Democrat Congressman for this one. If you sell your $400,000 home, there will be a $15,200 tax. This bill is set to screw the retiring generation who often downsize their homes. Is this Hope & Change great or what? Does this stuff makes your November and 2012 votes more important?

Oh, you weren't aware this was in the Obamacare bill? Guess what, you aren't alone. There are more than a few members of Congress that aren't aware of it either (result of clandestine midnight voting for huge bills they've never read). AND, there are a few other surprises lurking. Why am I sending you this? The same reason I hope you forward this to every single person in your address book, on Facebook, on Twitter...everywhere!

People have the right to know the truth because an election is coming in November.

Enough of the Hope and Change that has become Despair and Destruction. We don't need to transform America, we need to RESTORE America. This begins on November 2nd! Please, get out and VOTE!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

REDUCE Government - St. Louis

Look out Washington! The Tea Party Patriots are on the move, and we aren't going away! Remember, "When the people fear the government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is LIBERTY." ~ Thomas Jefferson

RESTORE Founding Principles - St. Louis 9-12-10

Check out the Tea Party Patriot Rally in St. Louis, MO!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Thursday, September 2, 2010

1934 Chicago Tribune political cartoon -

Check out the lower left hand corner of this cartoon. Sound familiar?

1934 Chicago Tribune political cartoon -

Morning Bell: Do You Wish You Could Choose Your Child’s Teacher? | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

The beginning of each new school year is an emotional, stressful, and chaotic time in our home. As a Mom, just getting a "feel" for each of the teachers, their expectations, and coordinating all of the kids' schedules, is overwhelming to me. Not to mention that fact that I now have "middle schoolers", who have different teachers for different subjects. If it's hard on me, its got to be even harder on my kids.
We had tears last night because my daughter took the wrong folder to class. The teacher refused to allow her to get the correct one from her locker...the one with her assignment in it. Thus, she earned a big fat 0. Ironically, this was my son's favorite teacher last year. Kind of makes one wonder if the teacher favors boys over girls, or is just setting the tone for the rest of the year. I can only hope it is the latter. I have no control over the situation, and just have to sit back and wait to see how things pan out.
I hate it. I am the Mom. It is difficult for me to entrust my children's learning and well-being to virtual strangers at the beginning of every school year. I allow the school to have the privelage of my children to teach. But, I realize that I really don't have to. I don't have to send them to public school. I could send them to a private institution, or even homeschool. However, up to this point, the positives have outweighed the negatives. Plus, I have to honestly say that there are some absolutely wonderful and dedicated teachers and administrators, that have listened to me as a parent, and have even taken action when needed. I am blessed to know them. But, even more, my children are blessed to have them in their lives, looking out for their best interests. Not just because it is their job, but because they actually care and want my children...all succeed in life.
In my opinion, we need more of them. Enough of the teachers just punching time cards, waiting for their summer break. Enough of the teachers who do just enough to just get by. Enough of the teachers who refuse to go above and beyond the call of duty, if it means inconveniencing them and their lesson plan for the day. And enough of the government controlling what the teachers teach every day...leaving no room for creativity and deviation from the state mandated curriculum. Enough, enough, enough! My children, all children, deserve better...they deserve the BEST! And, if the teachers don't want to give their best, then they should stay home and let someone else, who is enthusiastic, motivated, and dedicated to teaching, with an actual LOVE for CHILDREN, earn the taxpayers money. I'm just sayin'.
Wow, where did all of that come from? All of that just to introduce the following article. Oh well, happy reading!

Morning Bell: Do You Wish You Could Choose Your Child’s Teacher? | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Glenn Beck's Happy Warriors

This is who we REALLY are...peaceful, respectful, God-loving, hard-working, family-devoted, patriotic Americans!
I watched Glenn's show on Monday, following the rally, and it actually brought me to tears...several times. If you can, DVR it at 5 pm. Monday through Friday. (Fridays are always devoted to history.) I never knew how much I didn't learn in school! Give it a fair chance. I don't think you'll be sorry.

You probably couldn't have found a more polite crowd at the opera.
Wall Street Journal
Washington, D.C.

Pundits will debate whether the crowd at Glenn Beck's Saturday rally in Washington was the largest in recent political history, but it was certainly among the most impressive.

Mr. Beck is a television host and radio broadcaster with a checkered past and a penchant for incendiary remarks. But if he's judged by the quality of people of all colors that he attracted to the Lincoln Memorial, his stock can't help but rise.

Jason Riley discusses Glenn Beck's rally at the Lincoln Memorial.
.One would not be able to find a more polite crowd at a political convention, certainly not at a professional sporting event, probably not even at an opera. In fact, judging by the behavior of the attendees following the event, you'd have a tough time finding churches in which people display more patience as others make their way to the exits.

This army of well-mannered folks that marched into Washington seemed comprised mainly of people who had once marched in the U.S. Army or other military branch, or at least had a family member who had. Perhaps that's not surprising, given that the event was a fund-raiser for the Special Operations Warrior Foundation, which provides scholarships to the children of elite troops killed in the performance of their duty. The day was largely devoted to expressions of gratitude for the sacrifices of U.S. soldiers, for great men of American history like the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., and for God.

But it didn't end there. Dave Roever, a Vietnam veteran, offered a closing prayer in which he thanked the Lord for the president and for the Congress. Despite the unpopularity of the latter two, no booing or catcalls could be heard.

Perhaps feeling defensive about how they would be portrayed in media reports, various attendees wore t-shirts noting that they were "Not violent" or "Non-violent." For other participants, there was no need for an explicit message. Relaxed young parents felt comfortable enough to push toddlers in strollers through the crowded areas along the memorial's reflecting pool.

Not only was the rally akin to a "huge church picnic" (in one Journal reporter's description), but one had to wonder if the over-achievers in this crowd actually left the area in better shape than they found it.

After the event, walking from the Lincoln Memorial's reflecting pool through Constitution Gardens, this reporter scanned 360 degrees and could not see a scrap of trash anywhere. Participants and volunteers had collected all their refuse and left it piled neatly in bags around the public garbage cans. Near Constitution Avenue, I did encounter one stray piece of paper—but too old and faded to have been left that day.

Given the huge representation of military families at the event, maybe it's not surprising the grounds were left ship-shape. A principal theme of the day was that attendees should restore the country by making improvements in their own lives—be the change you wish to see in the world, as Gandhi once put it.

Most of the participants were strictly amateurs in the business of activism. For many, it was their first appearance at a public demonstration. Their strikingly mild-mannered nature might inspire even Mr. Beck to acknowledge that in a crowd estimated at 300,000, the craziest person at the event might have been the one with the microphone. While he admits that he's part entertainer and prone to over-the-top comments, his followers appear to be sincerely responding to his message that Americans need to cling to their best traditions. (Mr. Beck's program appears on the Fox News Channel, which is owned by News Corp., which also owns this newspaper.)

The conservative Mr. Beck's ability to draw this many people to Washington may suggest enormous gains for Republicans come the fall. But the GOP shouldn't expect voters to simply hand them a congressional majority without making them earn it. If pregame chatter and off-season optimism translated into victory, the New York Jets and the Washington Redskins would meet in the Super Bowl every year.

Between Saturday's crowd in Washington and the tea partiers agitating for limited government, we may be witnessing the rebuilding of the Reagan coalition, the "fusion" of religious and economic conservatives that political theorist Frank Meyer once endorsed. Reagan always believed that the Republican Party was the natural home for this movement, but GOP leaders in Washington need to prove they are worthy of it.

Mr. Freeman is assistant editor of the Journal's editorial page.

Obama Is Not A Muslim - HUMAN EVENTS

Let me just say that I am not a huge Ann Coulter fan. But, I thought she shed some interesting light on this hot topic.
Obama Is Not A Muslim - HUMAN EVENTS

Education secretary urged his employees to attend Sharpton's rally : New Patriot Journal

Education secretary urged his employees to attend Sharpton's rally : New Patriot Journal

7 Reasons Why The Prez Has Lost America

I found this to be an interesting analysis. Maybe you will, also.

The president's agenda, arrogance and attitude have dulled that shiny, gold-plated image so many Americans bought. Now, his hubris and damn-the-voters posture are leading his party to a 2010 disaster.

President George W. Bush was a buoy for Republicans in 2002, the first midterm election of his presidency. Obama, on the other hand, is like an anvil. How did things go so wrong?

His predicament is partly the result of bad luck. Obama did not create the bad economy, even if it helped him get elected. He did not cause the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, even if a majority of Americans now frown upon his response to it. Both circumstances are now exacerbating his current problems, but neither can explain the relatively sudden crackup that polls suggest happened between late 2009 and early 2010.

The simplest explanation for Obama's demise is ObamaCare, but it's still not enough just to point to the law itself. Think of the health care debate as the small chip in your windshield, which, though small, compromises its integrity. When your car hits the next big bump, the chip becomes a crack, which then grows and spreads with every little jolt. In similar fashion, Obama's ruthless push for health care reform—and his failure to heed the public's negative reaction—created the first cracks in Obama's administration. They have since widened and multiplied with each new disaster, gaffe and piece of bad economic news.

Obama laid the groundwork for failure much earlier, during his 2008 election campaign. As a candidate, he promised Hope, Change and as few specifics as reasonably possible. This was the political path of least resistance, and President George W. Bush's unpopularity virtually guaranteed its success. The mainstream media, enrapt by the candidate's tingle-inspiring rhetoric and transformative post-partisanship, did as little as possible to reveal Obama's true policy intentions and left-leaning ideological origins.

This played to Obama's strong suit. David Mendell of the Chicago Tribune wrote in his 2007 biography, "Obama: From Promise to Power," of the senator’s "ingenious lack of specificity. … While talking or writing about a deeply controversial subject, he considers all points of view before cautiously giving his own often risk-averse assessment, an opinion that often appears so universal that people of various viewpoints would consider it their own."

This formula, along with incredible good luck, had been key to Obama’s effortless political rise as a legislator. But when it brought him to executive power, the effect was slightly different. Because he never had to sell his least popular policy reforms, Obama won office without the broad mandate he needed to govern as he wanted. This is the best available explanation for why Americans reacted so negatively to his agenda as soon as it materialized in Congress. They suddenly felt surprised, even deceived, after all the talk of post-partisanship.

*Read the rest of this report in the September 2010 issue of Townhall Magazine.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I Want Your Money Trailer (2010) HD

This is really good.

Blame Bush

Yep, it's all George Bush's fault. Really, it is! No, seriously, it is!!!

Here's an opinion piece by Chuck Green who writes "Greener Pastures" for the Denver Post Aurora of the more liberal papers in the country. Additionally, Mr. Green is a life-long this is rather a stunning piece...

Obama is victim of Bush's failed promises

Greener Pastures Column -- 5/15/10

Barack Obama is setting a record-setting number of records during his first year in office:

? Largest budget ever.

? Largest deficit ever.

? Largest number of broken promises ever.

? Most self-serving speeches ever.

? Largest number of agenda-setting failures ever.

? Fastest dive in popularity ever.

Wow! Talk about change.

Just one year ago, fresh from his inauguration celebrations, President Obama was flying high. After one of the nation's most inspiring political campaigns, the election of America's first black president had captured the hopes and dreams of millions. To his devout followers, it was inconceivable that a year later his administration would be gripped in self-imposed crisis.

Of course, they don't see it as self-imposed. It's all George Bush's fault.

George Bush, who doesn't have a vote in congress and who no longer occupies the White House, is to blame for it all.

He broke Obama's promise to put all bills on the White House web site for five days before signing them.

He broke Obama's promise to have the congressional health care negotiations broadcast live on C-SPAN.

He broke Obama's promise to end earmarks.

He broke Obama's promise to keep unemployment from rising above 8 percent.

He broke Obama's promise to close the detention center at Guantanamo in the first year.

He broke Obama's promise to make peace with direct, no precondition talks with America's most hate-filled enemies during his first year in office, ushering in a new era of global cooperation.

He broke Obama's promise to end the hiring of former lobbyists into high White House jobs.

He broke Obama's promise to end no-compete contracts with the government.

He broke Obama's promise to disclose the names of all attendees at closed White House meetings.

He broke Obama's promise for a new era of bipartisan cooperation in all matters.

He broke Obama's promise to have chosen a home church to attend Sunday services with his family by Easter of last year.

Yes, it's all George Bush's fault. President Obama is nothing more than a puppet in the never-ending failed Bush administration.

If only George Bush wasn't still in charge, all of President Obama's problems would be solved. His promises would have been kept, the economy would be back on track, Iran would have stopped its work on developing a nuclear bomb and would be negotiating a peace treaty with Israel. North Korea would have ended its tyrannical regime, and integrity would have been restored to the federal government.

Oh, and did I mention what it would be like if the Democrats, under the leadership of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, didn't have the heavy yoke of George Bush around their necks? There would be no ear marks, no closed-door drafting of bills, no increase in deficit spending, no special-interest influence (unions), no vote buying (Nebraska, Louisiana).

If only George Bush wasn't still in charge, we'd have real change by now.

All the broken promises, all the failed legislation and delay (health care reform, immigration reform) is not President Obama's fault or the fault of the Democrat-controlled Congress. It's all George Bush's fault.

Take for example the decision of Eric Holder, the president's attorney general, to hold terrorists' trials in New York City. Or his decision to try the Christmas Day underpants bomber as a civilian.

Two disastrous decisions.

Certainly those were bad judgments based on poor advice from George Bush.

Need more proof?

You might recall that when Scott Brown won the election to the U.S. Senate from Massachusetts, capturing "the Ted Kennedy seat", President Obama said that Brown's victory was the result of the same voter anger that propelled Obama into office in 2008. People were still angry about George Bush and the policies of the past 10 years, and they wanted change.

Yes, according to the president, the voter rebellion in Massachusetts was George Bush's fault.

Therefore, in retaliation, they elected a Republican to the Ted Kennedy seat, ending a half-century of domination by Democrats. It is all George Bush's fault.

Will the failed administration of George Bush ever end, and the time for hope and change ever arrive?

Will President Obama ever accept responsibility for something... - anything?

(Chuck Green is a veteran Colorado journalist and former editor-in-chief of The Denver Post.)

Mike Holcomb

Monday, August 23, 2010

The White House War on Jobs
By Michelle Malkin • August 23, 2010 10:13 AM

How’s that Summer of Recovery working out for you? Continuing my series on the White House War on the West, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar’s attack on the economy, and the White House land lock-up (Part 1, Part 2) and ocean grab, here is the latest on Barack Obama’s deliberate job destruction policies.

According to the WSJ, the administration forged ahead with its junk science deepwater drilling ban despite knowing it would cost 23,000 jobs.

Senior Obama administration officials concluded the federal moratorium on deepwater oil drilling would cost roughly 23,000 jobs, but went ahead with the ban because they didn’t trust the industry’s safety equipment and the government’s own inspection process, according to previously undisclosed documents.

Marcia McNutt, an Obama administration science adviser, commented on the corporate culture of BP in a memo sent to Michael Bromwich, the administration’s new top offshore oil exploration regulator, on June 28.

Critics of the moratorium, including Gulf Coast political figures and oil-industry leaders, have said it is crippling the region’s economy, and some have called on the administration to make public its economic analysis. A federal judge who in June threw out an earlier six-month moratorium faulted the administration for playing down the economic effects…
Sound familiar?

Just last month, you’ll recall, the TARP inspector general reported on how the capricious Dealeragate mandates of Obama’s non-expert auto experts deliberately destroyed jobs in the name of “shared sacrifice” to appease Big Labor.

Then there are more and more Obamacare job-killing stories piling up like this one:

Assurant Health is eliminating 130 jobs at its offices in Milwaukee and Plymouth, Minn., by Oct. 1 as the health insurer prepares for changes under federal health care reform.

The company, which sells health insurance for individuals and small employers as well as short-term policies, faces an onslaught of new federal health care reform regulations, including the requirement that it spend 80% of premiums on medical care.

…The new regulations under federal health care reform are expected to remake the industry, particularly for insurance sold to individuals and families and to small employers, such as those with 100 or fewer workers.

State insurance commissioners are still working on the proposed rules for the percentage of premiums that must be spent on medical care. The requirement is expected to lower profit margins and to force some companies out of the market.
And then there’s the impending expiration of the Bush tax cuts. The Chamber of Commerce minces no words. Via The Hill:

U.S. Chamber of Commerce economist Martin Regalia on Monday said the tax increases advocated by President Obama would essentially kill any chance for an economic rebound.

“That’s what you’re suggesting, is a corporate bullet in the head,” Regalia said. “That is going to be a bullet in the head for an awful lot of people that are going to be laid off and an awful lot of people who are hoping to get their jobs back.”

Regalia made the comment at an American Petroleum Institute event on the tax increases proposed by the Obama administration. Much of the discussion focused on tax cuts enacted by President George W. Bush that are slated to expire at the end of the year.

Obama has suggested continuing the breaks that benefit the middle class and most small businesses while allowing tax cuts for wealthier entities to expire. Regalia said that plan will fail to boost economic demand.

“The thing [the administration] sees the least about the economy are the synergies,” he said. “Many of these small businesses sell into big business. … Saying ‘I’m going to stimulate the small part of the economy and not the big part of the economy’ is a fool’s error. It’s almost impossible to do.”
All this comes on top of last week’s news “showing jobless claims rose more than forecast and manufacturing in the Philadelphia region unexpectedly shrank.”

One shudders to think how many more jobs will be on the chopping block after the president finishes “recharging his batteries” on Martha’s Vineyard.

The Republican divide: K Street vs. Tea Partiers | Washington Examiner

The Republican divide: K Street vs. Tea Partiers | Washington Examiner

Obama on Social Security: Ending Bipartisanship Hopes

Surprise, surprise, surprise! (Said in the voice of Gomer Pyle.)
Obama on Social Security: Ending Bipartisanship Hopes

Dana Loesch: Sarah Palin and the rise of the Feminist Right | Washington Examiner

Dana Loesch: Sarah Palin and the rise of the Feminist Right | Washington Examiner

Morning Bell: The Left is in Full Retreat | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

Morning Bell: The Left is in Full Retreat | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Porkulus Dollars At Work

Good Grief...Will it never end?
Porkulus dollars at work: Eco-snitch trash cans by Michelle Malkin on Friday, August 20, 2010

Lots of buzz today about the microchip-implanted trash bins in Cleveland that will tell city collectors when residents haven’t recycled. The Cleveland Dealer reports today:

It would be a stretch to say that Big Brother will hang out in Clevelanders’ trash cans, but the city plans to sort through curbside trash to make sure residents are recycling — and fine them $100 if they don’t.

The move is part of a high-tech collection system the city will roll out next year with new trash and recycling carts embedded with radio frequency identification chips and bar codes.

The chips will allow city workers to monitor how often residents roll carts to the curb for collection. If a chip show a recyclable cart hasn’t been brought to the curb in weeks, a trash supervisor will sort through the trash for recyclables.

The city expanded a pilot program for the carts and will now use $2.5 million in local tax money to fund the expansion.

Guess what else?

You are helping pay for this eco-snitch program in other cities with federal stimulus money.

From the Coburn-McCain stimulus waste report released earlier this month, we learn that $500,000 of the porkulus went to Dayton, Ohio for nosy trash cans.

Yeah. It stinks. And taxpayers don’t need any high-falutin’ technology to detect it.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Morning Bell: The Gulf Recovery Obama Does Not Want to See | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

Did you take a vacation this summer? Well, the prez and his family certainly have...bunches of them.

Morning Bell: The Gulf Recovery Obama Does Not Want to See | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

Man without health care sues state over $2G fine

Man without health care sues state over $2G fine

Tea Party Article (USA Today)

Tea Party' members offer a ground-level view

A year ago, the political hurricane known as the "Tea Party" erupted in made-for-YouTube confrontations at congressional town hall meetings on the pending health care overhaul.

This August, the movement's supporters seem less rowdy — perhaps because they're pounding the pavement and dialing phones, trying to alter the balance of power in Congress in the fall elections. While Tea Party-favored candidates have lost in contests including the California GOP Senate primary, they have won Republican Senate primaries in Colorado, Kentucky, Nevada and Utah.

They say it's just the start.

"We're not in this to make noise and to saber-rattle," says Dan Blanchard of the Louisville Tea Party, which helped Rand Paul claim the Senate nomination in Kentucky. "We're in this thing to win."

The test now: Whether Paul and others can prevail under even tougher scrutiny and win over the broader electorate that votes in November. That will require a sustained commitment from a network that revels in its bottom-up nature and loose organization.

"That's part of the verve and vibrancy," says Rep. Michele Bachmann. At the first meeting of the congressional Tea Party Caucus last month, the Minnesota Republican underscored the primacy of the grass roots by having members of the public sit on the dais normally reserved for members of Congress. Lawmakers sat in the audience.

Because the Tea Party is so determinedly decentralized, USA TODAY reached out to activists from New York to California, Ohio to Louisiana to get a sense of the breadth and depth of the movement's motivations, priorities, concerns and aspirations.

While it's difficult to generalize about any group, especially one still in evolution, the interviews provide a ground-level glimpse in their own words of the passions that drive the movement.

Among consistent themes, they:

•Keep it local. Chris Littleton, head of a Tea Party group in Cincinnati, says the activists he knows are driven by "this sense that you have to own your backyard first."

"I can't fix what is happening in D.C.," Littleton says. "But I can fix what is happening in my backyard. I can affect my township, my county, my city, my congressional district and my state."

Those interviewed reject the idea of national leaders or centralized organizations running things.

"The normal thing that people are looking for is some sort of organized structure, driven from the top down," says Mark Lloyd, chairman of the Lynchburg Tea Party in Virginia. "But ... it's more of an attitude, and the attitude is of course just visceral patriotism, and a focus on limited government, fiscal responsibility, constitutional government or governance and personal liberties."

•Focus on fiscal issues. These Tea Party supporters say they emphasize fiscal conservatism and limited government over social issues.

In founding the congressional Tea Party Caucus, Bachmann says she focused on three ideas that she thinks unite the "various flavors" of the movement: "Act within the Constitution; we're taxed enough already; and don't spend more than you bring in."

"We don't get involved in the abortion issue, the gay-marriage issue, because we feel like that's when it starts dividing people," says Nita Thomas, leader of a group in Cincinnati.

•Reject forming a third party. "I don't like third parties," says Melanie Morgan, a former talk-show host who has been working with the Tea Party movement in California. "They don't work. Ask the people who supported Ross Perot. We ended up with Bill Clinton for eight years."

"There are plenty of alternative parties out there," says Bradley Rees, a factory worker in Lynchburg who writes a blog and hosts an Internet radio show. "The Tea Party is best served by being a watchdog group independent of all parties."

•Resent their portrayal in news stories.Liberal commentators including Eric Boehlert of Media Matters argue that some news organizations have overstated the clout of the Tea Party, but the activists USA TODAY interviewed call coverage in many newspapers and TV outlets unfairly negative.

They bristle in particular at stories that portray them as racists. Some members of the Congressional Black Caucus, including Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, D-Mo., said they were subjected to racial epithets during a demonstration by Tea Party activists on Capitol Hill earlier this year. Last month, the NAACP asked Tea Party activists to disavow the racist rhetoric of some members of the movement.

Mark Meckler, a California lawyer and national coordinator of the Tea Party Patriots, says his group and others have denounced those who have made racially inflammatory remarks. "It's demonstrated that the movement has matured," he says.

C.L. Bryant, an African-American pastor of a church in Louisiana who has made frequent appearances on television and at rallies to defend the Tea Party, says attributing the views of a few fringe elements to the entire movement would be akin to assuming that all NAACP members agree with the New Black Panther movement's hostility to whites.

"No matter which side of the aisle you're on, we do have to admit there are nuts among us," Bryant says.

•Have no consensus on or much enthusiasm about the 2012 presidential field.

"I've got some people I think have some promise, but we've got a lot of time between now and then," Lloyd says. "I have been disappointed so much by the Republican Party that I'm just not prepared to put a lot of hope in any one person."

Littleton accuses GOP politicians of "pandering" to the Tea Party. "There's tons of rhetoric out there from all of these born-again conservatives," he says, "but I've yet to see anybody who's really standing tall on all of this stuff."

Many Tea Party supporters are Republicans or Republican-leaning voters who felt betrayed by the GOP during George W. Bush's presidency and since. They cite the Wall Street bailout known as TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program) and the Medicare prescription-drug benefit as the sort of expensive, big government programs they decry.

"I got angry when I was watching them pass the TARP bill," signed by Bush in October 2008, says Howard Hellwinkel, a New York businessman.

Some worry that their success may attract what Bryant calls "unscrupulous political operatives" who will try to co-opt the movement.

There also has been squabbling among Tea Party groups. "If some of these individuals don't tone it down and back off and play nice with one another, they are going to take a perfectly good movement and ruin it," Morgan warns.

Yet most Tea Party members describe their experience of the past year — for many, their introduction to activism — as overwhelmingly positive. Like the liberal Internet activists who powered the rise of Howard Dean in the 2004 Democratic presidential race and then of Barack Obama four years later, this new conservative movement has sparked a new wave of activists who are determined to be a factor this year and in campaigns to follow.

"We're a bunch of citizens who want to hold officials accountable," says Joe Thompson, who is working to defeat veteran Democratic Rep. John Spratt in South Carolina.

Tea Party activists talk about what they believe and how they plan to act

'I'm not the national spokeswoman'

GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann, a two-term member of the House from Minnesota, has become a favorite speaker at Tea Party rallies. Though the 54-year-old congresswoman started an official Tea Party Caucus in the House, she's eager to portray herself as a facilitator of the movement, not a leader.

"I'm not the national spokeswoman. No person in Congress is the spokesperson for the Tea Party because it's an organic, spontaneous movement by people all across the country. ...

"Our goal is not to co-opt the movement. We don't want to run it from Washington, D.C. We don't want to give directives to the Tea Party movement. We don't want to give them an agenda or tell them what to do or tell them what to do or manage them in any way.

"We are here for one simple but profound reason and that is to listen to them, because we think they have credibility. ...

"There was a number of (Tea Party leaders) that were very nervous and very concerned that by starting a Tea Party Caucus in Washington, our intention was to institutionalize the Tea Party and to effectively run it out of Washington. And that wasn't my objective, and it certainly wasn't their objective either, because for many good reasons, they're distrustful of Washington."

On how she gets elected in a state that has a longer record of voting Democrat for president than any other :

"Minnesota really doesn't like phonies. ... They appreciate a politician who will be who they say they are. As far left as (the late Democratic senator) Paul Wellstone was, he was respected for not squishing on his views, and I'm the same way.

"I'm a strong, unashamed, unapologetic conservative activist for the free market. People know that about me, and I'm respected because I don't squish on my views."

'I've become the pastor of the Tea Party'

C.L. Bryant, 55, of Grand Cane, La., says he may lose his pulpit over his Tea Party activism, which began almost accidentally when he attended a rally a year ago in Shreveport. A former president of the NAACP in Garland, Texas, he says he's sorry that his predominantly black Baptistcongregation is frustrated with him.

"I've become the pastor of the Tea Party. ...

"I was flipping through the AM stations and I ran across a guy called Rush (Limbaugh). ... Even though I knew he was an entertainer ... there were some things that he said that rang true. So my lean toward conservatism actually began with listening to a conservative radio program."

On accusations of racism within the Tea Party:

"It has nothing to do with race. It has to do with the state of our country. Anybody in their right mind would be in favor of lower taxes, less government intrusion and more fiscal responsibility, whether you are black or white."

Some in his congregation "are emotionally attached to their skin color. ... This is not anything that has to do with skin color."

On why he's supporting the re-election of Republican Sen. David Vitter, who has admitted to hiring prostitutes:

"If you have no sin, then sure you go ahead and throw the first stone. One thing I admire about him is that when this came to light, he did not run from it, he did not duck it, he did not dodge it. He stood up to it like a man ought to. ...

"The only thing we can do is look at how a person handles his mistakes once they are revealed. I think he handled them honorably."

On why he opposes President Obama:

"He's too liberal for me."

'Three core values span everything we do'

Chris Littleton, 31, helped found the Cincinnati Tea Party last year. He says he has gone from someone who "never voted in a primary" to political activist. He's closely following a rematch between former Republican congressman Steve Chabot of Cincinnati and the Democrat who defeated him last year, Democratic Rep. Steve Driehaus.

"I had nothing to do with politics. I actually probably wanted nothing to do with politics. Until we all kind of crossed that line, which is: 'All right, we need to engage at this point or else the nation is going to hell in a handbasket, and if we don't do something about it, then that's exactly what's going to happen.'

"So there are high numbers of new people, and I think that's really the win for the campaign. ...

"My idea was ... if McDonald's can have a franchise on every corner, why can't people of like minds? Dump this party nonsense, this partisan nonsense and that's to where we are. There are certain things that I think 80%-90% of people believe in, and let's focus on those things, and let's put one of these little groups in every single precinct, every single voting precinct, every neighborhood in the United States.

"We have three core values that really, I guess, span everything we do. ...

"One, a fundamental limitation of government. The limited government is key. We believe that the more control and influence the size of government, the more it grows, the less important the individual is. ...

"And then the next would be fiscal responsibility. There is no excuse in the world why our government can't be fiscally responsible. ...

"And the last one is free markets, or you could call it free enterprise. The ability to earn your own way, to generate your own wealth, to create your own American dream should be relatively free from all of the inhibitions of the government."

'A fiscal movement'

Melanie Morgan, 53, of San Francisco, is a former radio talk show host who has been working with the Tea Party Express, a California-based group. She worked this year for Chuck DeVore, a California assemblyman who was seeking the GOP nomination for Senate. He lost to Carly Fiorina, who will face veteran Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer this fall.

"I was asked by Tea Party Express to introduce Sarah Palin in Searchlight, Nev., when the Tea Party Express kicked off their cross-country tour. And that was very exciting. The momentum was just phenomenal. The crowds were huge and of course under-reported by the mainstream media. There were probably 30,000 people there who had come from all across the United States to watch this moment in history. ...

"I would define the Tea Party movement as a fiscal movement. This is not a movement based on social issues. Many conservatives are involved only because of the fiscal aspect of smaller government, of lower taxation, of an accountability as far as the debt is concerned, the runaway spending by the liberal Congress. These are the issues that motivate us, that animate us. We're not talking abortion and we are not discussing gay marriage or anything that even comes close to approximating those issues.. .

On what she'll do in the California Senate race:

"To tell you the truth, to be honest, I don't know what I'm going to do. I'm certainly not getting involved. I've not been approached by the Fiorina campaign. If I had been asked to help I probably would have been a good little trooper. But they apparently are not reaching out at a grass-roots level, so I'm not going to offer to step in.

"Anybody obviously is better to me than Barbara Boxer ... but Carly Fiorina has got to earn the support of Californians."

'Hold him accountable'

Mica Sims, 26, is a stay-at-home mom and organizer of Tea Party groups in Lexington, Ky. She was among the first in the movement to embrace Rand Paul, who won the state's Republican Senate nomination over Trey Grayson, the candidate backed by Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell and others.

"We took on the establishment and we won. ...

"The message that we sent to Washington is that we are conservatives first and foremost, and mostly fiscal conservatives. Half of the Republicans in Washington voted for the bailout, voted for the TARP, voted for the stimulus, things that we Tea Party (supporters) are rallying against. ... We need some fiscal conservatives back and we believe as a people in Kentucky that Rand Paul will carry that message. ...

"The Tea Parties don't stop in November. I often say the Tea Party movement is going to start in November. ... As much as I have worked so hard for Rand Paul during this election, I will work 10 times harder once he is in Washington to hold him accountable, because that's what it is: They get to Washington and they get so disenfranchised from the American people and what is actually going on.

"If he gets in Washington and he changes, by God, I'll vote him out. I'll do everything I can to get him out. ... When I think of the Tea Party, I think, 'Wow, we're just getting going.' Now I have a candidate (for governor next year). ... We're going to get full force behind him. Then after that, after next year, we're up for another presidential election. I don't see the Tea Party movement going away anytime soon. We have a voice. Why would we stop?"

'Liberal bias in the media' hurts the movement

Mark Lloyd, 50, is a salesman and chairman of the Lynchburg Tea Party in Virginia's 5th Congressional District, where several Tea Party groups are trying to defeat Democratic Rep. Tom Perriello. Another local Tea Party group had plans to burn the congressman in effigy to protest the signing of the health care bill but backed off after a furor.

"In my personal opinion, I think if they would have done it, it would have been counterproductive. ... There are lines that can be crossed if we're not careful. To me, I understand the freedom of speech aspects of it, but I wouldn't have done it."

Would it have put the Tea Party in a difficult place?

"The media does everything they can to make sure it does put the Tea Parties in a bad place. ...

"For instance, I had a Tea Party meeting last Thursday. OK? We had over 120 people in our meeting in Lynchburg, Va. Now, that room was filled with good people. You will see doctors, lawyers, college professors, highly educated people, professionals of all sorts. And who does the media pick out? On the way out, they'll find the person who is the least sophisticated in appearance, and that's the one that gets all the time and whatever. That's so typical. That's typical of what happens and how the media tries to paint the Tea Party. ...

"Liberal bias in the media is what paints ... the face of the Tea Party as being something less than good, and they do that so the people just now awakening to the terrible problems in this country would be repulsed by the Tea Party. That is very much what's going on: Put the Tea Party in a bad light and it works for the liberals."

Thursday, August 12, 2010

$600 Million Bill passes Senate... while on recess with a total of 2 Senators present : New Patriot Journal

$600 Million Bill passes Senate... while on recess with a total of 2 Senators present : New Patriot Journal

The Worst Federal Disaster Response in Our Nation’s History | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

The Worst Federal Disaster Response in Our Nation’s History | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

Morning Bell: The Dodd-Frank Bailout is Already Here | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

Enough already!

Morning Bell: The Dodd-Frank Bailout is Already Here | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

Cincinnati 9/12 Project | Shoring up jobs for tax consumers

Cincinnati 9/12 Project | Shoring up jobs for tax consumers

Dems searching for way to blame Bush without looking like whiners | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Time for Obama to man up and quit blaming Bush.

Dems searching for way to blame Bush without looking like whiners | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Obama, in repeat of play-acting strategy, calls on Congress for vote already in the bag | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Forest Gump politics at its best.

Obama, in repeat of play-acting strategy, calls on Congress for vote already in the bag | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Obama approval rating falls into new danger zone, weighed down by growing economic fears | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Obama approval rating falls into new danger zone, weighed down by growing economic fears | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Commentary: Overhaul State-Backed Mortgage Giants? It's About Time - CNBC

Commentary: Overhaul State-Backed Mortgage Giants? It's About Time - CNBC

Saturday, August 7, 2010

9 Principles and 12 Values Worth Believing In

The 9 Principles

1. America Is Good.

2. I believe in God and He is the Center of my Life.
God “The propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained.” from George Washington’s first Inaugural address.

3. I must always try to be a more honest person than I was yesterday.
Honesty “I hope that I shall always possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider to be the most enviable of all titles, the character of an honest man.” George Washington

4. The family is sacred. My spouse and I are the ultimate authority, not the government.
Marriage/Family “It is in the love of one’s family only that heartfelt happiness is known. By a law of our nature, we cannot be happy without the endearing connections of a family.” Thomas Jefferson

5. If you break the law you pay the penalty. Justice is blind and no one is above it.
Justice “I deem one of the essential principles of our government… equal and exact justice to all men of whatever state or persuasion, religious or political.” Thomas Jefferson

6. I have a right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, but there is no guarantee of equal results.
Life, Liberty, & The Pursuit of Happiness “Everyone has a natural right to choose that vocation in life which he thinks most likely to give him comfortable subsistence.” Thomas Jefferson

7. I work hard for what I have and I will share it with who I want to. Government cannot force me to be charitable.
Charity “It is not everyone who asketh that deserveth charity; all however, are worth of the inquiry or the deserving may suffer.” George Washington

8. It is not un-American for me to disagree with authority or to share my personal opinion.
On your right to disagree “In a free and republican government, you cannot restrain the voice of the multitude; every man will speak as he thinks, or more properly without thinking.” George Washington

9. The government works for me. I do not answer to them, they answer to me.
Who works for whom? “I consider the people who constitute a society or a nation as the source of all authority in that nation.” Thomas Jefferson

The 12 Values

* Honesty
* Reverence
* Hope
* Thrift
* Humility
* Charity
* Sincerity
* Moderation
* Hard Work
* Courage
* Personal Responsibility
* Gratitude
When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn." ~ Proverbs 29:2

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Summary of Life

Thank God for good friends who send you mindless stuff like this when you've had a rough day. Love you, Kel!

1) No matter how hard you try, you can't baptize cats.
2) When your Mom is mad at your Dad, don't let her brush your hair.
3) If your sister hits you, don't hit her back. They always catch the second person.
4) Never ask your 3-year old brother to hold a tomato.
5) You can't trust dogs to watch your food.
6) Don't sneeze when someone is cutting your hair.
7) Never hold a Dust-Buster and a cat at the same time.
8) You can't hide a piece of broccoli in a glass of milk.
9) Don't wear polka-dot underwear under white shorts.
10) The best place to be when you're sad is Grandma's lap.

1) Raising teenagers is like nailing jelly to a tree.
2) Wrinkles don't hurt.
3) Families are like fudge...mostly sweet, with a few nuts.
4) Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut that held its ground.
5) Laughing is good exercise. It's like jogging on the inside.
6) Middle age is when you choose your cereal for the fiber, not the toy.

1) Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional.
2) Forget the health food. I need all the preservatives I can get.
3) When you fall down, you wonder what else you can do while you're down there.
4) You're getting old when you get the same sensation from a rocking chair that you once got from a roller coaster.
5) It's frustrating when you know all the answers but nobody bothers to ask you the questions.
6) Time may be a great healer, but it's a lousy beautician.
7) Wisdom comes with age, but sometimes age comes alone.

1) You believe in Santa Claus.
2) You don't believe in Santa Claus.
3) You are Santa Claus.
4) You look like Santa Claus.

At age 4 success is . . . . Not piddling in your pants.
At age 12 success is . . . Having friends.
At age 17 success is . . Having a driver's license.
At age 35 success is . . . ..Having money.
At age 50 success is . . . Having money.
At age 70 success is . .. . Having a drivers license.
At age 75 success is . ... . Having friends.
At age 80 success is . . .. Not piddling in your pants.

Political operatives on Journolist worked to shape news coverage | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Political operatives on Journolist worked to shape news coverage | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Friday, July 30, 2010

Ronald Reagan - Yes We Can

An Inconvenient Tax

States Attempt End Run Around Constitutional Amendment Process : New Patriot Journal

States Attempt End Run Around Constitutional Amendment Process : New Patriot Journal

Morning Bell: The Quiet Education Overhaul | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

Morning Bell: The Quiet Education Overhaul | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

Morning Bell: Surviving the Obama Assault on the Rule of Law | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

Morning Bell: Surviving the Obama Assault on the Rule of Law | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

Oh What a Tangled Web Obamacare Weaves! | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

Oh What a Tangled Web Obamacare Weaves! | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

Miracle in Philly

"We have abundant reason to rejoice that in this Land the light of truth and reason has triumphed over the power of bigotry and superstition, and that every person may here worship God according to the dictates of his own heart." ~ George Washington

It has been called the Miracle in Philadelphia and it began with General Washington uttering the proclamation, "Let us raise a standard to which the wise and the honest can repair. The event is in the hand of God". (George Washington, as quoted by Gouverneur Morris in Farrand's Records of the Federal Convention of 1787, March 25, 1787)

A group of men from various regions, professions, incomes and religions came together to join efforts in an undertaking which would change the world. Their purpose-to form a government for the people and by the people. Freedom was their message and securing it was their goal. It began in May of 1787 and would be the first time in history where men would join together to freely write a new constitution for their own government.

Ideas, concerns and strategies were traded and after a few weeks it was apparent that the meeting was turning into a battle of wills. Quarrels between the states became the format of each meeting. Arguments ensued, tempers flared and historians believe that if it were not for the dignity and demeanor of Washington's presence, the convention would have disbanded altogether. George Washington remained scrupulously impartial as he presided at the convention, and only shared his personal beliefs between sessions. He was respected and revered but it was not enough to hold the convention together, for it soon became apparent to all present that the convention, and the union, was about to break up.

At this crucial moment in history a lone voice spoke out. Quietly the respected elder statesmen, Ben Franklin, then 81 years of age, stood and addressed the convention.

...."In the beginning of the contest with Britain, when we were sensible of danger, we had daily prayers in this room for Divine protection. Our prayers, Sir, were heard, and they were graciously answered. All of us who were engaged in the struggle must have observed frequent instances of a superintending Providence in our favor…And have we now forgotten this powerful friend? Or do we imagine we no longer need His assistance?
....I have lived, Sir, a long time, and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth: that God governs in the affairs of man. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid?
....We have been assured, Sir, in the Sacred Writings that except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it. I firmly believe this. I also believe that, without His concurring aid, we shall succeed in this political building no better than the builders of Babel…and what is worse, mankind may hereafter, from this unfortunate instance, despair of establishing government by human wisdom and leave it to chance, war, or conquest.
....I therefore beg leave to move that, henceforth, prayers imploring the assistance of Heaven and its blessings on our deliberations be held in this assembly every morning before we proceed to business." (In God We Trust, edited by Norman Cousins p. 42)

The words of this humble man became the turning point of the convention. The delegates, who were all believers of some kind or another, rearranged their priorities and commenced in the task of crafting a new constitution and assuring the freedom and security of this new nation.

Our founding fathers spoke of the divine hand that guided the forming of this country on numerous occasions. In James Madison's own words he states, "It is impossible for the man of pious reflection not to perceive in it [The Constitution] a finger of that almighty hand which has been so frequently and signally extended to our relief in the critical stages of the revolution."(James Madison, Federalist No. 37, January 11, 1788)

Our founding fathers made every effort to ensure that all citizens of this great nation had the freedom to worship according to the dictates of their own conscience. Other nations and societies used the government to dictate which church their citizens would join and how they would worship. Our founding fathers realized this was a flawed practice and was at the helm of wars and contentions for centuries. They knew that the way an individual worships is a very personal thing and should be respected as such. As James Madison stated, "We are teaching the world the great truth that Governments do better without Kings & Nobles than with them. The merit will be doubled by the other lesson that Religion Flourishes in greater purity, without than with the aid of Government." (James Madison, letter to Edward Livingston, July 10, 1822)

Our country was not founded on Religion. It was founded on the freedom to live it. There were no bounds created in the constitution that made one religion partial over the other. There were no preferences mentioned, no right and wrong choices. It was complete indifference, which is why the Framers of our Constitution found the need to include the religious test clause that "no religious test shall ever be required, as a" qualification to any office or public trust, under the "United States."

They realized it was not the place of government but the people to decide. It was a means by which they could ensure avoiding any entanglement between church and state, or involving the government in any way as a determiner of religious beliefs or practices. It was an historical event. It was the freedom of religion.

It is the purpose of the constitution to sustain our freedom of religion and not to regulate it. It was not at all the intention of the Framers of the Constitution to eliminate the power and importance of God in the process of creating it. They knew the importance of God but they also recognized the right of each person to worship Him as they saw fit. George Washington stated, "I have often expressed my sentiments, that every man, conducting himself as a good citizen, and being accountable to God alone for his religious opinions, ought to be protected in worshipping the Deity according to the dictates of his own conscience."(George Washington, letter to the General Committee of the United Baptist Churches in Virginia, May, 1789)

Thomas Jefferson reiterates this statement. "I consider the government of the United States as interdicted by the Constitution from intermeddling with religious institutions, their doctrines, discipline, or exercises…no power to prescribe any religious exercise or to assume authority in any religious discipline has been delegated to the General Government. It must then rest with the States." (Thomas Jefferson, letter to Samuel Miller, January 23, 1808)

In a now infamous letter to the Danbury Baptist Association, Thomas Jefferson made the following statement. "Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between man and his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legislative powers of government reach actions only, and not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should 'make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,' thus building a wall of separation between church and State." (Thomas Jefferson, letter to a Committee of the Danbury Baptist Association, Connecticut, January 1, 1802)

This statement is often used as a means to do the very thing the founding fathers worked so hard to avoid, that being the regulation of religion. The Constitution preserves our rights as citizens to worship God. It in no way prohibits the mention of God or the right of citizens and elected officials to recognize him. John Adam's confirms this. "It is the duty of all men in society, publicly, and at stated seasons, to worship the SUPREME BEING, the great Creator and Preserver of the universe. And no subject shall be hurt, molested, or restrained, in his person, liberty, or estate, for worshipping GOD in the manner most agreeable to the dictates of his own conscience; or for his religious profession or sentiments; provided he doth not disturb the public peace, or obstruct others in their religious worship." (John Adams, Thoughts on Government, 1776)

As the war for independence came to an end, George Washington declared, "The establishment of Civil and Religious Liberty was the Motive which induced me to the Field - the object is attained" He then continued, "it now remains to be my earnest wish & prayer, that the Citizens of the United States could make a wise and virtuous use of the blessings placed before them." (George Washington, letter to the Reformed German Congregation of New York City, November 27, 1783) I don't think Mr. Washington would be so pleased with our stewardship. God must remain in our society for as John Adams stated, "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." (John Adams, Address to the Military, October 11, 1798)

And George Washington reminds us, "The liberty enjoyed by the people of these states of worshiping Almighty God agreeably to their conscience, is not only among the choicest of their blessings, but also of their rights." (George Washington, to the Annual meeting of Quakers, September 1789)

As George Washington resigned his commission as general of the Continental Army on December 23, 1783 he issued a powerful and emotional statement. "I consider it an indispensable duty to close this last solemn act of my official life by commending the interests of our dearest country to the protection of Almighty God and those who have the superintendence of them into His holy keeping."

Article provided by: Homemakers For America
"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."~Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

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